Saturday 14 July 2007

A Knitter's Greeting

My best friend in New York sent me this card when I returned from France. The caption: To someone of rare ingenuity and resourcefulness.

Wednesday 4 July 2007

bag story and other "after-workshops"

Hello everyone, it's Estelle ! I hope you went back home well. At last I found a moment to write on the blog. It's difficult, I haven't much time, these days. I don't forget you, Margaret ! But writing down the chart of my bag's design is not finished yet.
So, just a few photos to show you the result of the week :
the bag before and after 2 hours in the train.

Yes, there is a difference, I secured the loose ends...2 hours securing the ends... I counted them, so you can try to guess : how many yarn end did I secure ?
And on the other sides, here is the full bag :

I nearly finished it in the train. I know, I couldn't help knitting, I'm a knitting freak ! And now, I'll try to find a moment to line it. I think I'll take the purple material.
I must knit the strap too, and I haven't find out how to close the bag yet. So I won't use it before a while !
My crochet tank top has not grown much either. But I did a few pieces for my free form white shawl :
I love the leaf/feather forms. Now I want to make it a bit like big angel feathers. Well. I'll show you that in a few years... As Sara said, I didn't know what to do when I'm retired...
And finally, I made a sample for a kid silk haze cardigan, with a line of birch leaf pattern on the bottom of the sleeves and body. Here it is, in pearl, but I'll make it in dewberry. How do you find it ? I'm not sure it really looks like leaves. I'm not as pleased as I expected. Ooops the picture is upside down ! the base is supposed to be under the nearer from "sterenig".

I'm so glad to have attended the workshop, learnt so much and met you all !

Sarah's Sweater

Sarah's Sweater
Originally uploaded by savtadotty
This is the front. I'm working on the robin redbreast and butterfly that my 7-year-old granddaughter requested for the back, along with the ladybugs across the bottom. She has also requested ladybugs across the wrists on the long sleeves. A budding designer!

When my 3-year-old granddaughter saw me working, she too requested a sweater. That book, Style Your Own Kids' Knits by Kate Buller, has given me five years of bonding with granddaughters already. We spent several delicious minutes looking at all the possibilities and she chose birds (the "muver and fahver") and a border of baby birds. We went to the yarn store to pick out the main color and she decided on white: maybe not so practical for someone whose main diet is pizza and spaghetti, eaten with both hands at once, but definitely suitable for the climate.

Sunday 1 July 2007

The week through Sara's bleary eyes

here's what I saw during the week:

des poissons


the one that stayed still long enough

trying to do geometric things

why does everyone find the pond slime the most inspiring

more purple

more geometry and purple

one for beadwork? I was wondering what to do when I retire

des canards

the now-famous lunch- seen it, eaten it, will knit the t-shirt

I WILL knit this, but not today

Jane's crochet- no, I'm not jealous at all

cake shop


everyone thinks it's a bit strange how I introduce these photos- anyway, this is Elspeth, Dorothy and Caroline

this is Catherine, Claire and Estelle

this is Sandra and Nicky. Thank God for Nicky and her Swiss darning-as soon as I saw it, I heard intarsia fall out of my head forever, with a loud clunk

This is Sharon- I might knit this as a floor rug- maybe later

This is me, Anne and Helen, but you can see Nicky, Sandra, Sharon and Dee in the background

This must be Mary, Margaret and/orJudith?

Is this Pat's? They were over the other side of the room
I know that's no excuse

This is Kate's - we want to see the finished article- it must be ready by now- I envy her log cabin skills

This is Jackie's tank top- I also bought those buttons, amongst many others, and am doing a lot of overtime at the moment....

This is Luciana and Beatrice's table- can someone explain how to do those very complicated-looking swirls?

Not actual size. The miniature bottle I did buy came in a very nice little bag, perfect for a small project.

Watch this space as my many projects fly off the needles....I might have a little nap now.